"I try to live in sink with the place I have been gifted to live in. This is all…"
Plattówka is a certified organic farm without interruption since 1999.
This means that all plant production is carried out without chemicals. The only fertilizer we use is the compost we produce from our farm's plant remains and food scraps.
Every year we pass a thorough quality control that entitles us to the official certificate. During the season most of the fruit and vegetables that you will find on our table are from our garden and our fruit trees or shrubs.
Plattówka is a certified organic farm
This means that "chemical auxiliaries" are not used in agricultural production: plant protection products, herbicides, synthetic growth regulators, etc. This applies to both the fields and the gardens, whose crops are placed on the "Plattówka" table. Our preserves are prepared from the same vegetables.
The Eco-Warranty certificate is granted for one year, and farms that wish to maintain it are subject to periodic inspections.

The decision to transform a traditional farm into an organic one was well thought out and completely conscious. From 1993, my mother started an additional activity on a farm, rural tourism. By participating in a series of trainings, courses and conferences organized by the Provincial Center for Agricultural Advisory in Olsztyn, the Polish Federation of Rural Tourism "Guest Farms" and other organizations and foundations, she noticed a significant increase in the interest of tourists on ecological farms.
She joined the Polish Organic Agriculture Society and ECEAT-Poland, thanks to which she was kept informed of everything she should know when managing an organic farm.
We have received the ecological certificate without interruption since 1999: one year due to changes in legislation and certification organizations, I even had two...
The cooperation with Ekogwarancja PTRE sets annual requirements for us: we always try to prepare the inspectors visit at a level that allows them to obtain a stress-free certificate for next year.
In agricultural production, we do not use chemicals such as plant protection products or growth regulators.
We use plants from our fields to produce preserves, which we offer to guests of Plattówka.
Since 1999, we regularly receive an Ecological Certificate.